This photoblog has been created so I can share
my personal thoughts about photography
and things that are just
simply life.

Thanks for stopping by and comments are always welcome.

All we need is love! <3
Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, April 13, 2009

Andrea and Jason = three

Andrea and Jason are having a baby to have and to hold and call their very own. Inside Andrea's gorgeous body grows an angel made from love. Andrea rubs her tummy constantly feeling that connection between herself and her little angel. The way Jason looks at Andrea just pours out pure.... honest love. The butterfly nursery is ready and waiting to be occupied. More outfits than their baby could possibly ever wear await her arrival. Inside Andrea's gorgeous body grows an angel, made from love. Outside of Andrea's tummy waits her parents ready to have, to hold........ and to kiss her eyelashes a million times a day.

Andrea is so very loved.

I love the way Andrea and Jason's arms fell into place taking the shape of the eternity symbol.
One of my very favorites from their session.

Beautiful belly indeed.
When I met Jason and Andrea for their consultation with me one of the first things Jason said was, 'Andrea has a beautiful belly....' and I watched Andrea's face light up with happiness and then Jason leaned over and kissed her. At that moment, the room was filled with love..... and I couldn't wait to document Andrea's beautiful belly or the beautiful beautiful love they share.


April said...

so beautiful. you capture "love" so easily!

michellelaredo (via email) said...

lollolololoveveveveve them all!!!!

Anonymous said...

ME NEXT, ME NEXT!!! Oh, I can't wait for you to take my pregnancy photos! These are so creative and fun and romantic too! I am so excited!