This photoblog has been created so I can share
my personal thoughts about photography
and things that are just
simply life.

Thanks for stopping by and comments are always welcome.

All we need is love! <3
Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sara P. My friend.

dear sara p,

i just wanted you to know
that this evening
on your wedded day
you looked beautiful
(as you always do)
from your pink sparkly toes
that peeked through your high heels
to your soft waves of curls that
bounced as you walked
from room to room
as mrs. trujillo

i adore you and
your classy way of thanking your
loved ones for traveling so far
and looking at your husband
and saying out loud and smiling
'We are happy.'

i just wanted you to know
that after all these years
I still look at you and see
the little gal
in my 7th grade english class
that is so pretty
and full of grace

in many ways you
have not
changed at all
and the things that have
are just simply more
amazing than they
already were

i am happy for you
proud of you and
i love you!

sarah e